These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") govern the relationship between the company Activity Prague s.r.o., registered office at Štichova 596/10, Háje, 149 00 Prague 4, identification number 057 60 101, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under file no. C 270274 (hereinafter referred to as "Company") as the provider of the services described below, and the customer of these services (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer").

    1. The Company was duly established under the law of the Czech Republic and registered in the Commercial Register at the Municipal Court in Prague. The information is provided in the header of these GTC and is also publicly accessible on the Commercial Register. The Company provides services based on the relevant trade licenses, particularly the trade license "Purchase, sale, transport, rental, storage of weapons and ammunition" and "Operation of shooting ranges and training in shooting with weapons." All information about the Company’s trade licenses is publicly accessible via the Trade Register. The Company also holds a firearms license No. CG000052.
    2. These GTC are commercial terms and conditions within the meaning of Section 1751(1) of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code"). The Customer's unconditional acceptance of these GTC is a prerequisite for any relationship between the Provider and the Customer. By paying a deposit/price for the services, the Customer agrees to these General Terms and Conditions.
    3. The Company can be contacted via email at or by phone at 00420 228 883 526.
    4. The Company operates the website (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").
    5. These GTC govern the basic conditions of the relationship between the Customer and the Company from the moment the Customer sends an order, through the process of concluding the respective service contract, to the provision of services. These GTC also contain complaint, payment, and other related terms and information. The Customer acknowledges that there are other documents governing specific issues in the relationship between the Company and the Customer, specifically:
      1. Questions regarding the protection of the Customer’s private data are governed by the Privacy Policy, which is available here and upon request in printed form at all service locations.
      2. The Customer's obligations when moving within the premises of the Shooting Range are governed by the Operating Rules of the specific Shooting Range, as defined below.
      3. Before participating in the provision of services, the Customer is required to familiarize themselves with:
        1. Service provision rules and personal data processing at the service provision location;
        2. The document "Operation at the shooting range and safety principles" containing the basic operational and safety rules that the Customer must follow.

        (all mentioned documents, including these GTC, are collectively referred to as "Mandatory Documentation")

    6. The Customer agrees to familiarize themselves with the Mandatory Documentation before concluding the contract, and subsequently, repeatedly before entering the Shooting Range premises, and to comply with it during the entire provision of services and stay at the Shooting Range.
    7. If the Customer concludes a contract for multiple persons or on behalf of a third party, they must ensure that these individuals are also familiar with all the Mandatory Documentation. In such cases, the Customer must ensure that the provision of services is mediated or permitted only to such third persons who are evidently capable of understanding and complying with the rules specified in the Mandatory Documentation.
    8. These GTC primarily reflect the legal relationships between the Company and a Customer who may be in the position of a consumer. If the Customer is not a consumer, some rights granted to consumers may not apply.
      1. A consumer is any Customer who, outside the scope of their business activities or independent exercise of their profession, enters into a contractual relationship with the Company or otherwise deals with it. If the Customer is a consumer, the relationships not regulated by these GTC are governed by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code"), and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection Act").
      2. A Customer who is not a consumer is considered an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur is also any person who enters into contracts related to their own business, production, or similar activities, or when performing their profession independently, or a person acting on behalf of or on the account of an entrepreneur. If the Customer is an entrepreneur, the relationships not regulated by these GTC are governed by the Civil Code.
    9. Contract Terms. The contract between the Company and the Customer is governed by:
      1. The order and its acceptance by the Company;
      2. The Mandatory Documentation;
      3. The provisions of applicable legal regulations, in particular the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Act. The Customer acknowledges in this context that some services are inherently subject to requirements arising from specific generally binding legal regulations, such as Act No. 119/2002 Coll., on Firearms and Ammunition.
    10. The Company expressly draws the Customer's attention to the existence of risks associated with the provided service and the obligation to use protective equipment. The Customer acknowledges that personal participation in activities involving shooting firearms always carries a general risk of death, injury, or other harm, regardless of the level of effort to ensure safety by the Company. The Customer declares that they have chosen to bear this risk knowingly and of their own free will. The risks are detailed in the Operating Rules.
    11. These GTC and the entire contractual relationship between the Customer and the Company are governed by Czech law. If the Customer is a consumer, and the law of the state in which the Customer is a citizen or in which they have permanent residence or headquarters provides a higher level of consumer protection than Czech law, the Customer is granted this higher level of protection.
    1. The services provided by the Company include primarily:
      1. Enabling the Customer to participate in selected shooting packages within the shooting package chosen by the Customer (without the need for the Customer to hold a firearms license). Information about these packages is available on the Website, specifically here for the Višňová Shooting Range and here for the Prague Shooting Range. The Višňová Shooting Range, in addition to classic shooting packages, also offers the possibility to purchase clay pigeon shooting packages, the overview of which can be found here. (hereinafter referred to as "Shooting Packages" or "Shooting Package").
      2. Providing the opportunity for individuals holding a firearms license to book a shooting range or training courses.
      3. Providing transportation services to and from the location where the services are provided (hereinafter referred to as "Transportation"). (all services collectively or individually referred to as "Services" or "Service").
    2. The Company’s services are primarily provided at the following locations:
      1. The shooting range in Prague at Lublaňská 1729/23, Prague 2, which is an indoor shooting range (hereinafter referred to as "Prague Shooting Range");
      2. The Višňová shooting range at Višňová 308, 262 61 Višňová, which is an outdoor shooting range (hereinafter referred to as "Višňová Shooting Range");

        (Prague Shooting Range and Višňová Shooting Range, and any other shooting ranges where Services are provided by the Company, are hereinafter collectively or individually referred to as "Shooting Range").

      3. Transportation is provided on routes between the agreed pick-up and drop-off points and the Shooting Ranges.
    1. Through these Terms and Conditions, the Company fulfills its informational obligations towards the Customer in the position of a consumer in accordance with Section 1811 (2) and Section 1820 (1) of the Civil Code as follows:

      Information required by Section 1811 (2)

      subsection a)
      Information about the Company
      Details on identity, registered address, phone number, and email address are provided in Chapter 1 of these Terms and Conditions.
      subsection b)
      Description of goods and services
      Description of the goods or services and their main characteristics is provided in Chapter 2 of these Terms and Conditions, with reference to the Website and the specific Customer order.
      subsection c)
      Total price of goods or services
      The total price of goods or services, including all taxes, fees, or other monetary payments, is provided for individual services in Chapter 2 on the Website, and the final price for the specific ordered service will always be clearly communicated to the client through a confirmation email.
      subsection d)
      Payment method, delivery method and time, complaints
      The payment method, delivery method and time are addressed in Chapters 5 and 6 of these Terms and Conditions, and the specific payment method and time of service delivery will be confirmed via email provided by the Customer when placing an order.
      The Company handles consumer complaints through electronic mail. Complaints may be sent to the Company’s email address The Company will send information regarding the resolution of a complaint to the Customer’s email address. The procedure for complaints concerning the Money Back Guarantee is set out in Chapter 6, Section 6.4. There are no other complaint-handling rules established by the seller.
      subsection e) Not applicable.
      subsection f)
      Rights arising from defective performance
      Information about the existence of rights arising from defective performance is provided to the Customer through Chapter 6, especially Section 6.3.
      subsection g) The contract between the Customer and the Company will typically not be concluded for an indefinite period. If, in exceptional cases, this should occur, the Customer will be informed in a timely manner about the duration of the obligation and the conditions for its termination via email.
      subsection h) Not applicable.
      subsection i) Not applicable.

      Information required by Section 1820 (1) for contracts concluded remotely: The Company hereby informs the Customer of additional information beyond Section 1811 (2), specifically:

      subsection a)
      Costs of remote communication
      The Company does not charge any fees or costs for remote communication.
      subsection i);
      Conditions, period, and procedure for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract
      The conditions, period, and procedure for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract are set out in Chapter 6. A sample withdrawal form is available here.
      subsection l);
      Right to withdraw from the contract
      The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of its conclusion. This does not apply if the Services under the contract have already been provided. More information is available in Chapter 6.
      subsection q) Obligation to pay a deposit The Customer’s obligation to pay a deposit is set out in Chapter 5.
      subsection s) Alternative dispute resolution, complaints

      For out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes arising from the contract for the provision of services concluded between the Customer and the Company, the Czech Trade Inspection Authority, with its registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, Company ID: 000 20 869, website:, is competent.

      The online dispute resolution platform located at the website can be used for resolving disputes between the Company and the Customer arising from an online service provision contract.

      The contact point under Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes is the European Consumer Centre Czech Republic, with its registered office at Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Prague 2, website:

      The Customer may also submit a complaint to the supervisory or oversight body. The seller is authorized to provide services based on a trade license. Trade supervision is performed by the relevant trade licensing authority. Supervision of the protection of personal data is carried out by the Office for Personal Data Protection. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority supervises, to a limited extent, compliance with the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended.

      This provision also fulfills the Company’s information obligation under Section 14 (1) of the Consumer Protection Act and Section 14 (1) of Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on online dispute resolution for consumer disputes.

    1. A complete list of services is provided on the Website, including descriptions of individual Shooting Packages, and is partially presented in provision 1.1 of these Terms and Conditions.
    2. The price of the Services generally does not include meals, transportation to the location, and transportation from the location of Service provision (to and from the Shooting Range). In the case of larger Shooting Packages purchased at the outdoor Shooting Range Višňová, the Customer will be provided with free snacks. Any Transportation is part of the package if agreed upon between the Company and the Customer. Transportation is included in the price of the selected Service package in that case.
    3. The presentation of Services (especially Shooting Packages) on the Website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to conclude a contract on the part of the Company in the sense of § 1732 paragraph 2 of the Civil Code. To conclude a contract, the Customer must submit an order in accordance with the following provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the Company must accept this order.
    4. Methods of ordering Services (submitting an order):
      1. Through the Website. The Customer can use the order form on the Website to order services. In this case, the reservation will be confirmed via email, and any other conditions will be agreed upon in the same manner. The determining email of the Customer is the email provided when making the reservation.
      2. Via email address. The Customer can order services via email at
      3. By phone. The Customer can order services by contacting 00420 228 883 526. The order can be made via SMS, phone call, WhatsApp, Messenger, or Instagram. In this case, the reservation will be confirmed via email, and any other conditions will be agreed upon in the same manner. The determining email of the Customer is the email provided when making the reservation.
      4. In person. The Customer can order services in person at the Company’s office at Lublaňská 1729/23, Prague 2, 12000. In this case, the reservation will be confirmed via email, and any other conditions will be agreed upon in the same manner. The determining email of the Customer is the email provided when making the reservation.
    5. When submitting an order, it is always necessary to select the date of service provision and fill in or otherwise communicate all required personal and contact information to the Company. The Customer is responsible for the accuracy of the provided information and is obliged to promptly contact the Company to request corrections in case of any errors.
    6. If the Company is able and willing to provide the requested Services to the Customer on the requested date, a temporary reservation will be created.
    7. After the creation of a temporary reservation, the Company will issue an invoice to the Customer. Depending on the type of order, an invoice will be issued for either a deposit or the full price (hereinafter referred to as the "Payment Invoice"). The type of Payment Invoice and the amount of any deposit are determined by the Company based on the circumstances of the reservation, particularly the number of persons or the scope of the ordered Services.
    8. The prices for Shooting Packages are stated per person. The Customer is entitled to purchase the service for more than one person. In this case:
      1. The Customer declares that they are authorized to conclude the Contract and to perform related rights and obligations, including payment for the Service for these third parties; and
      2. The Customer is responsible for ensuring that all third parties on whose behalf they made the reservation are familiar with these Terms and Conditions and other Binding Documents, especially the Operating Rules of the Shooting Ranges.
    9. The order of services made in any of the ways specified in provision 4.1 of these Terms and Conditions is considered a proposal by the Customer to conclude a contract for the provision of the service specified in the order.
    10. All orders delivered to the Company and subsequently confirmed by the Company via email are considered binding, and upon confirmation of the Customer's order by the Company, a contract for the provision of services between the Customer and the Company is concluded (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract").
    11. The Customer agrees to the use of remote communication means in concluding the Contract. Each Contracting Party bears its own costs incurred in connection with this.
    12. Based on the Contract, the Company undertakes to provide the Customer with the ordered Services, and the Customer undertakes to pay for the Services and utilize them.
    13. The Company will not definitively reserve a specific date for the Customer until the Payment Invoice has been paid by the Customer.
    14. These Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the Contract. The Customer has been sufficiently informed of their existence prior to placing the order, and these Terms and Conditions are subsequently available to the Customer for the entire duration of the contractual relationship.
    1. Payment Terms
      1. The company offers the following options:
        1. Payment by credit card via an online payment gateway. In this case, the Customer will be redirected to a third-party payment server after completing the order, where they will fill in the necessary payment details.
        2. Cashless payment by transfer to the Company’s bank account.
        3. Payment by credit card in person at the Shooting Range or in the Company’s offices.
        4. Cash payment at the Shooting Range or in the Company’s offices.
      2. For both domestic and international bank transfers, the amount is considered paid only when it is credited to the Provider’s account. The Customer is obliged to set the payment parameters to ensure that the amount is not reduced during the transfer.
      3. In the case of cash payments, the Customer is obliged to check the returned amount of money at the time of payment and immediately request a correction in case of error. Later complaints will not be taken into account.
      4. The prices of the offered services are stated including VAT unless expressly stated that the price is without VAT.
      5. Tax documents are issued electronically and sent to the Customer's email provided in the order.
    2. The date, time, and location of the Services will be indicated in the order confirmation from the Company.
    3. If transportation is part of the selected Program, the Customer will be picked up at the agreed time and place along with all other persons. The agreed time and place of pickup must be respected. Missed pickup times caused by the Customer or delays due to events beyond the Provider's control, especially traffic situations, do not constitute grounds for refunds, even if they result in the inability to utilize the entire paid package of Services.
    4. If the transportation is not part of the selected Program, the Customer is obliged to arrive at the designated location at the agreed time.
    5. If the Customer fails to arrive at the agreed location, the advance payment or price paid will be forfeited to the Provider in full.
    6. The expected duration of the event and the expected return time are non-binding and for orientation only. The Provider is not responsible for the influence that the actions of the Customer and other participating individuals have on the duration.
    7. After the program ends, the Customer will be transported back to the hotel or possibly to another agreed location in Prague.
    8. The execution of the program is guaranteed in Czech and English. Other languages can be arranged upon request.
    9. Company's Obligations
      1. The Company is obliged to provide the Customer with the ordered Service in the agreed scope and quality, at the agreed time, after confirming the reservation and after payment.
      2. The Company is obliged to inform the Customer of the main safety rules, demonstrate current shooting guidelines practically, and ensure the safe use of weapons and ammunition, including safe handling of weapons. The Company will fulfill this obligation either itself or appoint a qualified and authorized person to do so.
    10. Customer's Obligations
      1. The Customer is obliged to familiarize themselves with these General Terms and Conditions, the Operating Rules of the Shooting Range, and any other documentation provided by the Company before receiving the Service. The Customer is obliged to assess whether they are medically and physically fit to safely participate in the chosen Service. The Customer participates in all Services at their own risk.
      2. The Customer is obliged to obtain all necessary documents required for the provision of the service. A list of the required documents will be communicated by the Company no later than at the time of booking the service. The Company bears no responsibility for any damages arising from the invalidity or incompleteness of the required documents. Required documents include, in particular, an identification card (ID card or passport), and in specific cases, a firearms license.
      3. The Customer is obliged to use the services of a shooting instructor, who is a person meeting the conditions according to the Weapons and Ammunition Act.
      4. Children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 may participate in the provision of Services only if accompanied by their legal representative.
      5. The Customer is responsible for all damages caused to the Company during the use of the Service due to failure to follow the instructions with which they were duly acquainted.
      6. The Customer must not be under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substances, or medications that reduce attention or rapid reaction ability, or have sedative effects during the provision of Services, especially from the moment they enter the Shooting Range.
      7. The Customer is obliged to inform the Company of any information that could be relevant to their participation in the provision of Services, especially information about their health status and medication, if it could affect their physical functions to such an extent that it could cause a crisis situation during the provision of Services and endanger the Customer and other individuals present at the location of the Services (at the Shooting Range), including employees and other associates of the Company. By submitting the order and subsequently arriving for the provision of Services, the Customer declares that they are not ill and have no restrictions that could affect their participation in the provision of Services and potentially endanger other participants.
    11. Right of the Company to Interrupt the Provision of Services
      1. The Company is entitled to interrupt the provision of Services at any stage without the Customer’s right to a refund if the Customer or any other person participating in the provision of Services with the Customer repeatedly violates these General Terms and Conditions, the Operating Rules, or Safety Guidelines at the Shooting Range, or if the Customer or the mentioned third party disobeys the staff's instructions or behaves extremely inappropriately.
      2. The Company is also entitled to refuse to provide Services or exclude specific individuals without any right to a refund if it is evident before the commencement of the provision of Services that the provision of Services would most likely not be in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions, the Operating Rules of the Shooting Range, or the Safety Guidelines at the Shooting Range, or if specific individuals are not obviously fit to participate in the provision of Services according to the Company's opinion.
      3. The Company is further entitled to refuse to provide services or interrupt their provision if the technical condition of the shooting range does not meet or ceases to meet the requirements set by applicable legal regulations. In such cases, the Company will arrange a substitute date for the Customer with the same scope and quality of provided Services.
      4. The Company is further entitled to interrupt the provision of Services at any outdoor shooting range (e.g., Višňová Shooting Range) due to bad weather. In such cases, the Company will arrange a substitute date for the Customer with the same scope and quality of provided Services or reimburse the Customer a proportional amount of the price, which will be determined proportionately based on already provided Services.
    12. Changes to Reservations
      1. A contract concluded properly and in accordance with these General Terms and Conditions (including the agreed price) can only be changed by agreement of the parties or on the basis of legal reasons.
      2. The number of persons can be changed no later than 24 hours before the ordered date; later changes will not be considered.
    1. Cancellation of Reservation
      1. The Customer and the Company have the right to cancel the reservation free of charge at least 24 hours before the reserved date, and this must be done via email.
      2. The Company has the right to cancel the reservation date for services provided at the Višňová Shooting Range (outdoor shooting range) due to weather conditions. Employees of the Company or individuals collaborating with the Company in providing services can also decide on the cancellation of the reservation date according to this provision. In case of cancellation, the Customer will be offered the choice between selecting a new reservation date or a full refund of all financial amounts.
      3. If the Customer does not arrive at the agreed time at the location of the service, it is considered to have been properly provided, and the Company is entitled to the full price.
      4. Provision 6.1 of these General Terms and Conditions applies except for the following situations:
        1. Serious health condition of the Customer or a person for whom the service was ordered.
        2. Force majeure or unforeseen circumstances (e.g., traffic accident).
        In these cases, the Customer has the right to arrange a new date for providing the service. The Customer is always obliged to provide proof of the serious health condition, force majeure, or unforeseen circumstance. If they do not do so, the provision 6.1 of these General Terms and Conditions will apply in full, and the Company will be entitled to the full price for the service.
    2. Withdrawal from the Contract
      1. According to § 1837 (j) of the Civil Code in force, the Customer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving a reason, as it is a contract for the use of leisure time, and the performance is provided at a specified time and period.
      2. The Customer has the right to withdraw from the concluded contract in the following cases:
        1. If the Company substantially breaches the concluded contract.
        2. If the contract was concluded using means of distance communication (Web, email, phone), the Customer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the conclusion of the contract in accordance with § 53 (7) of the Civil Code. The Customer expressly acknowledges that services may be provided before the expiration of this 14-day period and expressly agrees with this, and acknowledges that in such a case, the right to withdraw from the contract expires upon the full provision of the service.
      3. The Company has the right to withdraw from the contract in the following cases:
        1. Due to a technical error, an obviously incorrect price of the service was indicated on the website, and in such a case, the Company has the right to withdraw from the contract due to the apparent nature of the legal act of the Company according to § 552 of the Civil Code, or due to a mistake according to § 571 of the Civil Code. The Company and the Customer may also agree on providing the service at a reasonable price in such a case.
        2. The Company has not received payment from the Customer for the service by the due date.
        3. For objective reasons, it is not possible to provide the service under the original conditions.
        4. Performance becomes objectively impossible or unlawful.
      4. Withdrawal from the contract by either party must be done in writing, most often via email. The withdrawal must be delivered to the other party no later than seven (7) days from the occurrence that is the reason for withdrawal from the contract. The Customer may use a form for the withdrawal.
      5. Withdrawal by either party from the concluded contract, carried out in accordance with the contract, these business conditions, and applicable legal regulations, results in the contract automatically terminating among all parties to the contract and it is regarded as if it had never been concluded.
      6. All financial amounts will be refunded to the Customer within 14 days from the withdrawal from the contract.
    3. Rights from Defective Performance and Complaints
      1. The rights from defective performance are governed by applicable legal regulations, especially provisions § 1914 to 1925 of the Civil Code.
      2. The Company is responsible for ensuring that the service is free from defects at the time of provision and that it is provided in accordance with the contract. The service is free from defects and is provided in accordance with the contract when:
        1. It corresponds to its description on the website.
        2. It is provided at the agreed time and for the agreed duration.
        3. It is provided with due expertise and care.
        4. It complies with legal requirements.
      3. If the Company does not fulfill its obligations arising from the concluded contract properly and in a timely manner, the Interested Party may assert their right to complain about the service to the Company. The complaint must be made in writing (via email or post) without unnecessary delay, no later than within 3 months from the date of provision of the service, or in the event that the service was not provided, from the date it was to be provided.
      4. The Company will decide on the received complaint within seven (7) working days. This period does not include a reasonable time needed for expert assessment of the defect. The complaint will be resolved without unnecessary delay, no later than within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint. This period may only be extended with the Customer's consent.
      5. The Company will issue the Customer who has lodged a complaint with written confirmation of when the complaint was submitted, what its content is, and what method of resolution is requested. Additionally, the Company will provide confirmation of the date and method of resolution of the complaint, and in the event of a rejection of the complaint, the Company will issue a written justification for this rejection.
      6. The Customer's rights from defective performance:
        1. Free remedy (especially in the form of additional provision of the service or provision of a replacement service).
        2. Appropriate discount on the service price.
        3. Withdrawal from the contract in case the defective performance is a substantial breach of the contract.
      7. The rights from defective performance cannot be asserted if:
        1. The Customer was aware of the defect before the service was provided.
        2. The Customer caused the defect themselves, especially by violating the Company's instructions, these General Terms and Conditions, or legal regulations.
    4. Money-Back Guarantee
      1. Beyond the legal obligations of the Company concerning complaints made by consumers, the Company voluntarily provides what is known as a “Money-Back Guarantee,” meaning a full or partial refund of the service price in the event that the services were not provided to the Customer's complete satisfaction, even in cases where they were provided properly and on time in accordance with the contract.
      2. The request for the use of the Money-Back Guarantee must be communicated to the Company by the client without undue delay after the service has been provided, specifically by filling out the relevant form at the Shooting Range and submitting it to the responsible person. The form will be provided to the Customer upon request. The form must clearly and distinctly explain what caused the Customer's dissatisfaction with the provided services and thus establishes the claim for the application of the Money-Back Guarantee.
      3. In assessing the request for the application of the Money-Back Guarantee, the Company is not bound by anything other than its own evaluation of the described situation, and the Company has exclusive authority to determine both the recognition of the claim for the application of the Money-Back Guarantee itself and the extent to which the price will be refunded to the Customer.
    5. The provisions of this chapter do not apply to entrepreneurs. The rights of an entrepreneur to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Company and to rights from defective performance are governed exclusively by the relevant provisions of legal regulations, unless the parties agree otherwise in a specific case.
    1. The Customer, or their legal representative, is liable for:
      1. Offenses or torts committed by the Customer as a visitor of the Shooting Range.
      2. All damages that arise to the Company or a third party as a result of false information provided by the Customer, particularly regarding their health status and medication used, and their suitability for participating in the services.
      3. All damages that arise to the Company or a third party if the Customer was under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substances, or any other substances and medication that impair attention or reaction time, or have sedative effects.
      4. The Customer is responsible for all damages that arise to the Company or a third party as a result of disobeying the instructions of the shooting instructor or another person responsible for movement in the areas of the Shooting Range.
    2. The Customer acknowledges that the Company is not responsible for any personal belongings brought to the Shooting Range or other premises of the Company if they were left in a location other than the designated area established by the Company.
    1. If the customer requests a tax document issued to a taxpayer within the EU or an individual in a third country, they are obliged to notify the Company immediately, typically at the time of ordering by checking the box “Need EU VAT invoice” or leaving a note in the order comments.
    2. In the case referred to in point 8.1, the Company will issue a tax document to the requested individual specified by the Customer, excluding VAT under the reverse charge mechanism. In such cases, the Customer is obliged to pay VAT in the country where the specified company is located. If the customer fails to meet this obligation, the Company has the right to demand a one-time contractual penalty of 100,000 CZK from the Customer. Payment of the contractual penalty does not extinguish the Company’s right to compensation for the damages incurred.
    1. The Company reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. The current version is always published on the Website and available at the Shooting Range and in the Company's offices.
    2. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is invalid, ineffective, or unenforceable (or becomes so), a provision that most closely reflects its meaning shall apply instead. This does not affect the validity of other provisions.
    3. In case of a conflict between the language versions of these General Terms and Conditions, the Czech version shall prevail. These Terms and Conditions shall come into effect on April 1, 2024, and shall be valid and effective for all Contracts concluded after this date.

Come directly the shooting range. We are located right in the centre accessible by public transport or by walk.


Lublaňská 1729/23, Praha 2, SHOW MAP Line C (red), station I.P. Pavlova

Copyright © 2025 Activity Prague s.r.o.